Employability Benchmarking for Institutions
Employability Benchmarking for Institutions
Employability in Higher Education
Benchmarking plays a crucial role in the efforts of higher education institutions to enhance the employability of their graduates. By comparing data, institutions can gain valuable insights into their performance relative to their peers.
For instance, our extensive database reveals a concerning statistic: a staggering 87% of higher education institutions do not track the employment outcomes of their graduates. This highlights the importance of developing resources that focus on implementing programs like graduate tracer studies. In our online benchmarking, participants will have the opportunity to access similar insights across five key areas.
These areas are defined throughout our Employability Toolkit, personalized benchmarking reports, and a wealth of employability resources.
The Dimensions of Employability
Each institution has unique challenges in scaling and refining its employability programs. So, Vitae developed a multi-faceted benchmarking assessment so that higher education institutions could evaulate practices based on 5 key areas of employability.
Relevance of Learning
What processes and systems are in place to support leadership and teaching staff in aligning curriculum with labor market needs?
Strategy and Employment Outcomes
Does the institution vision and mission reflect a commitment to student employability?
Employer Engagement
What employment focused activities exist to ensure job readiness and to foster employer relationships outside the classroom?
Career Services
What types of career services and guidance are available to students and how are these activities resourced and organized?
Alumni Management
How does the institution engage its alumni to support employability of current students?
Global Employability Benchmarking Data
Our team has meticulously validated benchmarking with over 100 universities, colleges, and trade colleges worldwide. As a result, our clients have gained quality insights and strategic guidance for producing more employable graduates. We’ve discovered that global trends lag behind best practices in all five dimensions. For this reason, Vitae offers many free resources including webinars, workshops, and case studies to help institutions with strategic development.
Start Employability Benchmarking
Complete the employability benchmarking assessment to see how you compare with our global benchmarks, and determine where your institution would benefit from Vitae’s 360° assessment.
When you complete the employability benchmarking, you’ll instantly receive assessment results and access to an in-depth Employability Toolkit prepared by Vitae’s Higher Education experts.