Strathmore University
Career Readiness
Strathmore University, based in Kenya, understands that graduates today are not gaurenteed one job for life. That’s why they have focused on developing 21st Century Skills for graduates to use for a lifetime. Forming future leaders who are eager to serve society and training them to be employable is a delicate balance that Strathmore understands takes a coordinated effort.
IFC Vitae’s 360° Assessment helped Strathmore University gain insights across dimensions of employability that effect every part of their institution. Ultimately, assessment inspired their team to revisit career placement activities, curriculum and teaching methodologies, as well as coaching and mentoring to ensure all were aligned with a focus on 21st Century Skills.
“The main expectation for many parents brining their students here is that they will be employable when they come out, and Vitae was just the right thing at the right time.”
— Dr. Vincent Ogutu, Vice Chancellor Designate, Strathmore University